Artificial intelligence is transforming the way IT operations are managed, and combining OpenAI with AIOps offers a powerful solution for monitoring and maintaining systems. In this step-by-step guide, we'll demonstrate how to integrate OpenAI with AIOps for monitoring using Prometheus in Python. By the end of this guide, you'll have a robust setup that leverages AI to enhance your IT monitoring capabilities.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Prometheus Environment

First, download and install Prometheus following the official installation guide:

Once installed, create a basic prometheus.yml configuration file with the necessary settings to scrape metrics from your desired sources. You can refer to the official documentation for more details on configuring Prometheus:

Step 2: Installing Python Libraries

Install the required Python libraries for working with OpenAI, AIOps, and Prometheus:

pip install prometheus-api-client
pip install openai

Step 3: Fetching Metrics from Prometheus

Create a Python script to fetch metrics from Prometheus using the prometheus-api-client library. Replace prometheus_url with your Prometheus server's URL.

from prometheus_api_client import PrometheusConnect

prometheus_url = 'http://localhost:9090'
prom = PrometheusConnect(url=prometheus_url, disable_ssl=True)

def fetch_metrics(metric_name):
    query = f'{metric_name}{{}}'
    metric_data = prom.custom_query(query)
    return metric_data

example_metric = 'node_cpu_seconds_total'
metric_data = fetch_metrics(example_metric)

Step 4: Analyzing Metrics with OpenAI

Configure the OpenAI API by setting the API key as an environment variable:

export OPENAI_API_KEY='your_openai_api_key'

Create a function in your Python script to analyze the metric data using OpenAI's GPT model. The function should take the metric data as input, process it into a human-readable format, and send it to the OpenAI API to generate insights.

import openai
import json

def analyze_metric_data(metric_data):
    openai.api_key = 'your_openai_api_key'
    # Process metric data into human-readable format
    metric_summary = process_metric_data(metric_data)

    prompt = f"Please analyze the following metric data and provide insights: {metric_summary}"
    response = openai.Completion.create(

    insights = response.choices[0].text.strip()
    return insights

def process_metric_data(metric_data):
    # Process the raw metric data into a readable format
    # This function should be customized based on the structure of your metric data
    return json.dumps(metric_data, indent=2)

insights = analyze_metric_data(metric_data)

Step 5: Integrating AIOps

Now that you have insights generated from OpenAI, integrate AIOps into your monitoring setup to automate the detection of anomalies and incidents. There are various AIOps platforms and tools available, so choose one that best suits your needs. For this guide, we'll create a simple AIOps system using Python that detects anomalies based on pre-defined thresholds.

First, create a configuration file thresholds.json containing the metric thresholds. Adjust the values based on your monitoring requirements.

  "node_cpu_seconds_total": {
    "warning": 70,
    "critical": 90

Next, update your Python script to read the thresholds from the configuration file and implement a function to detect anomalies based on the fetched metric data and insights from OpenAI.

import json

def load_thresholds():
    with open("thresholds.json") as file:
        return json.load(file)

thresholds = load_thresholds()

def detect_anomalies(metric_data, insights):
    metric_name = list(metric_data[0]['metric'].keys())[0]
    threshold = thresholds.get(metric_name)

    if not threshold:
        print("No threshold defined for the metric.")

    value = float(metric_data[0]['value'][1])
    if value >= threshold['critical']:
        print(f"CRITICAL: {insights}")
    elif value >= threshold['warning']:
        print(f"WARNING: {insights}")
        print(f"OK: {insights}")

detect_anomalies(metric_data, insights)

This basic AIOps system detects anomalies and outputs the insights generated by OpenAI, providing a clear understanding of the potential issues within your monitored environment.


By following this step-by-step guide, you've successfully integrated OpenAI with AIOps for monitoring using Prometheus in Python. With the power of AI and AIOps, you can enhance your monitoring capabilities and proactively manage your IT operations. The setup provided in this guide can be further customized and extended to match your specific requirements, enabling you to harness the full potential of AI-driven monitoring solutions.